Tuesday, May 1, 2007


this is just a small thing. the other day for no particular reason the verse "by his wounds we are healed" came to mind. And I thought...that's an odd thing really. Being healed by wounds. Usually we HEAL wounds. and while I understand what it means, that his suffering is what saves us...it's still a bit backward. We usually heal wounds, not get healed by them.


Moyjo said...

i really enjoyed reading this, it made me think about suffering that brings good to others in our own lives. hmmm.....i'll be losing sleep thinking on this one

Zus said...

yeah. I had some very personal application on this one as well. I think we are often healed by our own wounds as well.
As I look back I see how much growth I experienced as I went though hard times. I believe the phrase is " hurts so good"?

Moyjo said...

very true