Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I was thinking about light, and about heaven. Heaven and light, and
how in heaven we will need no Sun or Moon because HE will light
everything. John says that Jesus is "the light", he later says that we
are to "step into the light", that those who love darkness, who choose to live there, do not love God, because He is light.
Which brings me to my 1st question.
According to the order of creation, one of the first things he did was to make a separation between light and dark. He made darkness. But HE is light.
I wonder if it made him a little bit sad to create
something knowing that many people would choose the darkness instead of
the light.
Or how about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in Eden. Did He weep as he planted it, knowing one bite would put men at odds with him for thousands of years?
Ultimately one could ask this of ANY of His creations. Men have proven we are capable of loving literally anything and everything INSTEAD of Him. We worship nature, the stars, animals, other people, precious metals, money.

Do you suppose he felt any sorrow when he created any of those things, knowing what was intended to create joy in us, and draw us nearer to Him, would for some, have the opposite effect as we love Them more than we love

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