Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Its making me Hungry......


Ever since I saw the title Zus gave this blog, I began to think about things I krave. Besides food, fun, money (and of course Dr. Pepper); what is it that I really want, that would make every day worth waking up to. It brings an interesting point to light, for the last couple months I have craved having friendships with Christians my own age, yes I have friends back home and elsewhere that are Christian friends and awesome, but here I haven't really met any that were my age. Needless to say I don't krave that anymore, long story. What it made me realize is that I needed a deeper relationship with God, I needed to long for my savior more than I longed for people I thought could help me come closer to him.

I krave to write like a genius. I krave to be a better athlete. I krave riches. I krave glory. I krave way to many things that end up making me krave more things that do me no good.

Kravings come and go, but I hope I never stop kraving for more of Him.


Jack Jack said...

hmm... i think that everybody "kraves" things that arent good for them. unfortunately, we all continue to krave these things. Most of these things will eventually lead to our eternal demise or a lack of rewards in heaven.

Moyjo said...
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Moyjo said...

rewards in heaven. still not sure what my feelings are on that issue.